Kaepernick: Blame Obama not America

as we head into the regular NFL and NBA season don't be surprised when multimillion-dollar athletes start opening they're uninformed mouth in an attempt to sway the national conversation towards division case in point 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem later explaining i am NOT going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color to me this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way there are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder first of all that was a statement of division America is under fierce attack by globalism if we don't stand strong as United citizens that anthem Kaepernick refuses to acknowledge may not eventually even exist under Obama's trans-pacific partnership yes we have an epidemic of bad cops getting away with murder but this doesn't mean all cops are guilty and it certainly doesn't mean the rest of America is either it means our justice system is corrupt shouldn't the movement be renamed to bad cops matter when anyone with celebrity status supports black lives matter they are knowingly or blindly supporting george soros a self-described megalomaniac hell ban on using his status as a foreign billionaire to divide the United States soros once wrote i fancied myself as some kind of God if truth be known i carried rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood which I felt I had to control otherwise they might get me into trouble that's who you ultimately support Kaepernick you want to change things acknowledge the breakdown of civilization that allows 483 people to be killed in Chicago so far this year education has been repackaged and become an unaffordable burden industry and commerce have been shipped overseas opportunity has become scarce it's not race that matters it's the economy stupid Breitbart reports more proof came out today when our own Commerce Department downgraded the second quarter gdp from a horrendous one-point-two percent growth to a depressing and tragic 1.1 percent our economy is wrecked and dysfunctional the other American i use this subject because there are literally to America one America is beautiful fall situation innocence is America is overflowing with the milk of prosperity and honey of opportunity tragically and unfortunately that is another America this other America has a barely ugliness about it that constantly transforms the billions of hoping to the fatigue of despair in this America millions of work star men walk the streets daily and such for jobs that do not exist in this American millions of people find themselves living in rat-infested vermin field slum in this America people are poor by the millions and they find themselves perishing on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity to make matters worse there's a huge deficit of skilled labor welders electricians machinist that the upcoming generations are claiming where is the effort to steer that kid off the mean streets into a life of responsibility and relative comfort Kaepernick take it from Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman who recently said I was not suppressed by any man or woman white or black I worked myself up from Compton high school to a scholarship at Stanford University and I did it myself it is out of the mouths of cheap bugs that are hurting are young and taking away the chances they have to make themselves a productive part of society brothers and sisters the only slavery in America now is the one you put yourself into Kaepernick isn't it just a little ironic that greater men than you have fought and died for your right to insult their sacrifice John down four floors . com Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread Liberty worldwide also enjoying what i have found me the best tasting one hundred percent organic coffee on the planet for more than a decade my favorite coffee has come from the high mountains of southern Mexico where the Chiapas farmers grow their unique shade grown or abaca beans we have now managed to secure Sean after beach in a highly customized blank discover and try a bag of the Patriot blend one hundred percent organic coffee at infowars life.com this coffee gives you a long smooth pick me up for hours without the headaches and heartburn that so many other coffees give me personally hands down this is my favorite coffee and it's taken us years to secure connections directly to the Chiapas mexican farmers drop by the site today order a bagger to and I don't think you're going to be disappointed available and original or with our immune support infusion blend you will be supporting a free press all the while enjoying a truly great tasting cup of my favorite coffee available at infowars life.com
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